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We teach how to learn, teach and create!

Seminar on the topic: Features of the effective organization of a modern lesson for teachers and masters of industrial training of the Ural Technological College "Service"

January 12, 2021 teacher of pedagogy, psychology, deputy director for educational and industrial work Shotova G.S. held a seminar on the topic: Features of the effective organization of a modern lesson for teachers and masters of industrial training of the Ural Technological College "Service". Various types of practical work were carried out with teachers and masters of the Ural Technological College "Service":

- the correct arrangement of the stages of various types of lessons;

- analysis of the features of traditional and non-traditional lessons;

- Conducting a reception of group cognitive activity, critical thinking by Edward de Bono "Six Hats";

- exercise "Internal films" for the development of imagination;

- compilation of tasks on one topic of the lesson on six levels of educational objectives of Bloom's taxonomy;

- carrying out the method of reflection "colored circles", where the participants, according to the proposed colors, characterized the participation of their colleagues at the seminar.

The seminar ended with the exercise "Professional motivation, orientation." The participants, having chosen one preferred subject in the presentation picture, determined their professional motivation, orientation. Teachers and masters of the Ural Technological College took a fruitful part in the seminar.

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