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"Features of training and improving the professional competence of teachers in the framework of updating the content of education"

On March 30, 2021, within the framework of cooperation between the institution "Ural Humanitarian and Technical College" and the SCCP "Higher College named after M.Zhumabayev" of the Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region, an educational and methodological seminar was held on the ZOOM platform on the topic "Features of training and improving the professional competence of teachers in the framework of updating the content of education". At this event, topical issues of improving the professional competence of teachers in the context of updating the content of education, the structure of the program and effective pedagogical methods necessary for the educational process, ways to improve the effectiveness of criteria-based assessment of educational achievements were considered.

At the beginning of the seminar, the Director of the Higher College named after M.Zhumabayev, Zhandildin Yerlik Borisovich, made a welcoming speech, noting the importance of the issues discussed at the seminar.

Teachers of the Ural Humanitarian and Technical College spoke on the topics of new pedagogical technologies in the education system, the issuance of creative homework, the use of innovative technologies, teachers of the Higher College named after M. Zhumabayev told about the features of teaching general education disciplines in the conditions of updated educational content, methodological equipment of the educational process, the use of educational platforms, the introduction of criteria-based assessment, the preparation of college students for work in the conditions of updated secondary education.

The results of the seminar were summed up by the Deputy director for academic affairs of the Ural Humanitarian and Technical College Sagidullina A.M. and the deputy director for educational and methodological work of the Higher College named after M.Zhumabayev Imankulova A.S.

Within the framework of the seminar, a fruitful exchange of experience between the teachers of the college took place, and further prospects for cooperation were identified.

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