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We teach how to learn, teach and create!

«Әйел деген әдемі ғой, әдемі...»

On March 5, under the leadership of the curator K.K.Kosbaeva, in group 3a, bKSHI, a literary evening was organized on the online platform in honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the poet, Khantengri of Kazakh poetry M. Makatayev and on March 8, the holiday of a gentle soul «Әйел деген әдемі ғой, әдемі...» ("Kyel Degen Ademi Oh, admi ... ")

The purpose of the event is to teach students to recognize beauty and love, morality and kindness, to respect art through the poems of Mukagali Makatayev, mysterious and powerful, attractive, alluring with his name alone, on the theme of motherhood, women and love.

During the event, the students of the group eloquently recited lyric poems «Шеше, сен бақыттысың!», «О, махаббат!», «Махаббат диалогы», «Фаризаға!» ("Sheshe, sen bahyttysyk!", "Oh, mahabbat!", "Mahabbat dialogues", "Farizaga!" ) and others, got acquainted with the songwriters on the words of the poet, sang the popular songs «Сөнбейді әже, шырағың!», «Есіңе мені алғайсың» ("Sөnbeidі uzhe, shyraғyk!", "Esіңe menі alғaysyk").

They also listened to the poet's poems, read in his own voice, stored in the Kazakh Radio Foundation.

At the end of the evening, the students realized that thanks to the poet's work, love and fidelity multiply human qualities, the image of Mukagali, known as the "Poet of the Century" and his poems are glorified from year to year, from century to century.


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