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We teach how to learn, teach and create!

Pedagogical practice at KSU "Secondary school No. 6 named after A.S. MAKARENKO"

Successfully pass pedagogical practice in KSU "Secondary school No. 6 named after A.S. MAKARENKO" group 2-RShO consisting of 12 people.


From the first day of practice, students got acquainted with the peculiarities of the teaching profession, with the functional responsibilities, and the ability of a teacher. They monitor the style of communication between teachers and students, the features of communication between children. Students actively use didactic material, visual aids, the lessons are structured in such a way that both strong and weak students are involved.

When conducting a lesson, such psychological foundations of the lesson as: the development and maintenance of attention, the development of memory, thinking, and imagination are taken into account. They use a frontal and individual form of work and such a method of work as setting problematic questions and searching for answers to them.

During the practice, primary school teachers Bataeva B.U., Sarbalakova A.S., Lobikova O.N., Baimukhanova K.O. Govorukhina V. Arystanbay A.A. provide significant assistance in the preparation of lessons, events, help with educational and methodological literature, advise how best to build lessons, what assignments are best to trust the guys. With the methodologist of the Russian language and literature Dzhambaeva A.B. students coordinate their short-term plans in a timely manner, receive recommendations on the use of various techniques and methods of work in the classroom.

Pedagogical practice has a beneficial effect on students. Thanks to the friendly atmosphere in the teaching staff of the school, students feel free. The guys manage to overcome shyness and stiffness, be more attentive in the classroom, combine different forms of work in order to achieve their goals.

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