We teach how to learn, teach and create!
We teach how to learn, teach and create!

I don't know he said Department of Kazakh, Russian languages and literature

According to the schedule, the deputy director for educational and production work of the Ural humanitarian and Technical College named after G. S., at the Department of Kazakh, Russian languages and literature, was assigned to conduct professional work in schools №19, 43, 45 and lyceums №27.

On April 20, 2021, the teachers of the department Kosbaeva K. K. and Akbulatova S. B. visited the school-lyceum No. 27 for career guidance work.

Under the support of deputy for educational work of schools Ainur Nasipkalievna 9a, B classes were presented information on the Ural humanitarian and Technical College, to clarify the specialties and memories of the students.

Also, the students asked questions about specialties and signed up for the college's Instagram page.

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