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We teach how to learn, teach and create!

Action plan of the decade of the department "Physical culture and sport" under the motto "Eternal country - healthy generation". Dates: 05.04. - 04/16/2021

Content of ongoing events

Dates of the




The grand opening of the sports decade of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports:

1) competition in sports dance among 1st year students. (gym).

2) asyk atu (men), bes asyk (women).

3) sports challenge "Cheerful gymnastics" among students of 2-4 courses (online) 1 video from a group.



Curators of groups,

A.B. Kuzhakhmetova, E.B. Mazhitov



Armwrestling competitions (among 1st year students)



A.M. Khabiev


Mini football competitions (among 1st year students)



A.M. Khabiev, Rafikova E.Yu.


Within the framework of the project “100 new names! Meeting with the world champion, college graduate -2018 Bakhyt Yerasyl-and his coach B. Esengaliev, college graduate -2003. (online)



A.K. Viktor


College Rifle Championship



O. Zh.Batyrgaliev


Drafts competition



E.B. Mazhitov


Orienteering technique competition



Additional education teacher Nurmanov R.E.


Career guidance in schools of the city, district


Schools of the city, districts.

Teachers of the department, students.


Winner's reward ceremony. The ceremonial closing of the sports decade.



A.B. Kuzhakhmetova

Teachers of the department.


"An eternal country - a healthy generation!" city scientific and practical conference with specialists and students of physical culture.


Room 22

Қ.T. Kashkynbai., Izbasarov M.

The festive program of the decade of the department "Physical culture and sports", and the month of discipline of primary military and technological training "Patriot", dedicated to the grand opening of the decade "!

1) We would like to bring to your attention a sports dance competition among 1st year students.

1st place - group 1aKShR

II place - group 1aKShM

III place - group 1aRDO

2) Asyk game is a traditional game of the Kazakh people. Asyk is played both day and night. Accuracy develops during the day, dexterity at night. Depending on the position, they call asyk - alshy, tai, beech, chic, and specially made lead castings - saki are used for shooting.

"Bestas" is one of the most ancient national games of the Kazakh people. It is assumed that it originated in those centuries when wood, stone, and bone were the tools of labor. This game was played by young people to adults.

Competitions in asyk atu among teachers (men), "Bestas" (women).

Results of the game "Bes tas" among teachers:

1st place - Alma Rakhatovna Idrisova!

II place - Otarbay Ainur Zhetyruovna!

III place - Kosbaeva Kunziya Kabidullaevna!

Results of the game "Asyk atu" among teachers:

I place - Abai Maksutovich Khabiev!

II place - Orken Zhenisovich Batyrgaliev!

III place - Uteuov Zhenis Gimranovich!

In the competition of sports challenge on the theme: "Fun gymnastics" (online)

among students of 2-4 courses.

I place - group 2aRSHF!

II place - group 3aKSHF!

III place - groups 4bKSHI, 3AKSHI!

The results of the 1st year arm wrestling competitions among the students showed:

Among the young men:

I place - the team of Kozyreva Maxima 1aKSHR!

II place - team Galymzhan Bekzhan 1aKSHR!

III place - team Hayredenov Asylzhan 1aKSHM!

Among the girls:

I place - the team of Kozyreva Anastasia 1aKSHR!

II place - Davletalieva Gulfairuz 1aRDO!

III place - Kuznetsova Valeria 1aRDO!

Intra-college soccer competitions, college rifle championships, checkers, intra-college competitions, sports orienteering competitions, due to the growing pandemic, college students switched to online format and competitions were not organized.

08.04.2021 within the decades of the Department of Physical Culture "Eternal Country of Tomorrow - a Healthy Generation" and the implementation of the project "100 new names!" There was an online meeting with the graduate of the college in 2018, the world champion in sambo Bakhyt Erasyl.

The purpose of the meeting: to teach a growing generation to bring a healthy way of life, to serve their homeland by the example of Bakhyt Erasyl, the pride that protects the honor and dignity of our college.

At the event, Erasyl Sherniyazovich told about his biography, about how he achieved victory and success, through some misfortunes he passed. The meeting continued with questions from students. Students asked questions and received specific answers to their questions. At the end of the meeting Bakhyt Erasyl Sherniyazovich shared his advice with students.

In order to provide vocational guidance in schools of the city and district, teachers of the department "Physical Education and Sports" Kuzhakhmetova AB, Victor AK and Vladimir Kachurin, a student of the group 3vRSHF № 12 schools provided vocational guidance at school. He told the students about the specialties of the college, exams, documents and answered their questions.

On April 12, teachers of the department Kuzhakhmetova AB and Victor AK In schools № 12 organized and conducted career guidance work. Students of 9th and 11th grades of schools were informed about the specialties of the college, invited to enrollment, distributed advertising programs of the college and answered questions from students. Vladimir Kachurin, a student of the group 3vRSHF, as a graduate of the same school, expressed his views on college and offered to act.

On April 16, the teacher of the department Batyrgaliev O.Zh. № 44 Secondary school and Khabiev A. М. № 48 schools organized and conducted vocational guidance. Students of 9th and 11th grades of the school were informed about the specialties of the college, invited to enroll, distributed promotional programs of the college and answered students' questions.

Ural Humanitarian College hosted an inter-college scientific-practical conference of teachers and students "Eternal country tomorrow - a healthy generation" on April 16 at 15:00. (Online)

The goal :

- To open the creative paths of active young people of educational institutions to scientific research, to increase the creative activity of young people, to mobilize them to address current issues and to develop the space of scientific knowledge.

- Involve students in scientific research;

- To teach students to love the country, to be proud of the Motherland, to understand that the future of a healthy life is in the hands of young people.

The conference covered the following topics:

- Organization of sports activities during a pandemic

- Methods of effective leisure during the pandemic

- The future of a healthy lifestyle

The conference was attended by teachers and students from colleges of Uralsk, where reports on various topics were discussed. Teachers and students discussed topical issues and important topics in their reports.


Full name of the speaker


Educational institution

Full name of the supervisor


Anna Devkina

RFF Group 2B

"Eternal country tomorrow - a healthy generation."

Ural Humanitarian and Technical College

Rafıkova E.U


Turlanova Aikorkem Erlenovna

1A KSHO-11

"Effective ways to spend your free time during a pandemic»


higher pedagogical college

Taubaev Qaıyrjan Bahıtovich


Mukhamadieva Aigerim Salimgereeva

0506000 "Hairdressing and decorative cosmetics", group 8, 1st year

"Effective ways to spend your free time during a pandemic»

Ural Technological College" Service "

Jumasheva Aıgul Ótebaevna


Kishaubayev Amir Maratovich


"Effective ways to spend your free time during a pandemic»

Zh.Dosmukhamedovhigher pedagogical college

Muratbekova Aıgul Amanjanovna


Ibragimov Alikhan Ibragimovich

Physical education teacher

Types of effective sports events during a pandemic. (Organization of sports activities during the pandemic)

College of Service and new technologies



Bırlesov Amırjan Omaruly.

2nd year student of the specialty "Finance".

Healthy lifestyle-the future of the people

International College of digital technologies, architecture and law.

Jumagalıeva Aknur Baktygalıevna


Semgalıeva Daıana Nartaıkyzy

Student of the emergency-111.1 K Group

Healthy lifestyle-the future of the people

Higher agricultural and Technical College

Batyrbekova Raılash Mahatovna


Elemesova Gauhar


Organization of sports activities during the pandemic. Methods of effective leisure activities.

Higher agricultural and Technical College

Jangalıev Erik Kenesovich


Abdrakhmanova Alina

Student of the 1st year ST-112.2 group

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle during a pandemic

Higher agricultural and Technical College

Kumaeva Balhıa Tilekovna


Krikunova Ulyana Konstantinovna

"Methods of effective leisure activities during the pandemic "

Ural Technological College" Service " 87075581945 Krikunova U.

87075581945 Krikunova U.

87075581945 Bishaev Z. I.


Maulenova Janargul


"Effective ways to spend your free time during a pandemic»

Higher agricultural and Technical College

Tolekov Erik Aıtjanovich


Kuanova Janerke

"Effective ways to spend your free time during a pandemic»

Higher agricultural and Technical College

Ermukanova Elmıra Serikovna


Bısemalıev Samıgulla Kubaevıch

Physical education teacher

Methodology of conducting sports events in the context of a pandemic

College of Service and new technologies



1st Year CT-113.2 Boranbaeva Alına Shynbolatovna

Organization of sports activities during the pandemic. Methods of effective leisure activities.

Higher agricultural and Technical College

Jangalıev Erik Keńesovich


Aıtakhanova Elmıra Nýrbolatovna

Healthy generation-the future of the country

Ural humanitarian and Technical College

Majıtov Erkebulan Bekqalıevich


Haırusheva Dılnaz Alıbekovna

Today's healthy generation is the future of the country

Ural humanitarian and Technical College

Majıtov Erkebulan Bekqalıevich


Toktasinova Elvira

Eternal country is the future of a healthy generation

Ural Humanitarian and Technical College

Kuzhakhmetova Asel Birzhanovna


Hamıdollınova Akzer Kaırgalıevna

Healthy generation-the future of the country

Ural Humanitarian College

Majıtov Erkebulan Bekqalıevich


Shava Iyrıı Vladımırovıch Physical education teacher

"Bike ride of the first category of difficulty on the route" Uralsk-Grushinsky festival

West Kazakhstan Academic College "ALaSR"



Salzhekenova Saltanat

"Eternal country is the direction of the future"

Ural Humanitarian and Technical College

Khabiev Abai Makhsutovich


Zhambylova Nurbakyt

Effective methods of leisure during a pandemic.

Higher pedagogical college named after Zh. Dosmukhamedov

Syrym Abzal Syrym

A total of 21 speakers took part in the scientific and practical conference, all of whom discussed their reports and shared their experience. Teachers and students who took part in the conference were awarded certificates. The speakers took part in the conference in a well-developed format and shared their opinions.

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