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"Ak zhaiktyn ak shagalasy"

01.10.14 the competition of readers devoted to the 70 anniversary of Akushtap Baktygereeva the poetess, the chairman of the Union of writers of the WKO "Ak zhaiktyn ak shagalasy" took place. Competition was held for the purpose of promotion of works of the poet, search of talented students, education at youth of feeling of patriotism, love to the native land, poetry. Competition consisted of 3 rounds: "I know the poet", "Golden Gate", "Dedication to the poet". 9 students took part in competition. They showed the knowledge in the biography of the poetess, read verses, magnificent dedications, the essay were read. As a result 1 place was given to the student 2v KShK Syrymov Mendibek, the 2nd place – Dana Alibekova - 1b KShK, the 3rd place - Mukhanova Nazerke 2bKShK.

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