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"Tanirdin tatty syy - Tauelsizdik" together with the students of 3-4 courses held

13.12.18 on the eve of the 27th anniversary of the independence of the great steppe in the Ural humanitarian and technical College together with the students of 3-4 courses held a " Tanirdin tatty syy-Tauelsizdik". The purpose of the event is to expand students ' knowledge about freedom, equality and independence. To protect the wealth of the Motherland, in the future the Motherland – Kazakhstan prosperity of children and adolescents. Native land, love, education of patriotism. The event was attended by the asset of the club" Zhas Kalam", the owner of the diploma of 1 degree at the national competition of student scientific works "scientists of the future" student 3bkrk Edigenov Nurlan performed his work on independence. Students of 4bkhf group majoring in "Physical culture and sport", students majoring in "Kazakh language and literature", groups 4bKSHI and 4bKDO, 4bKSHO, organized a small concert dedicated to the December events.

In the foyer of the College in honor of the 27th anniversary of Independence in the period from 1 to 3 courses were organized corners and Newspapers, in each group were held educational hours.

Колледж дәлізінде Тәуелсіздік мерекесінің 27 жыл толуына орай 1-3 курс аралығында бұрыштамалар және жар газеттері ұйымдастырылып, әрбір топтарда тәрбие сағаттары оздырылды.

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