As part of the implementation of the "Unified Educational Program", a class hour was held in the 2ARSHO group on January 10 on the topic: "A future without corruption." Curator Shotova G.S. Goal: To instill in the younger generation a negative attitude towards corrupt actions, to teach them to resist corruption.
During the class hour, a video about corruption was presented for analysis. The students chose associations for the word "Corruption". Urazmbet Aziza and Khusnutdinova Kamila students asked of the group related questions about what they know about corruption, the causes of corruption, how to fight corruption, and in which areas corruption is most affected. Situations have been proposed to identify examples of corruption. They played a game of honesty and corruption. They showed a presentation where they provided the necessary information. To build a future of Kazakhstan without corruption, where there is no place for corruption, it is necessary to form an anti-corruption worldview. In case of encountering corruption phenomena, contact a call center or government authorities by phone. No need to take positions: I DON'T SEE, I DON'T HEAR, I'M SILENT. The results of the class hour were summed up, which depends on you and me - in which state will we live: honest or corrupt? One should always be honest, not break the laws, and be against such a disease of the time as corruption.