2Following the results of the 1st half of the 2024-2025 academic year, the curator of the 2ARSHO group, G.S. Shotova, held a parent-teacher meeting on the topic: A happy child is a happy parent.
The meeting began with a psychological charge. The group's video asset spoke about the group's achievements. The teachers noted their students' positive and negative sides, academic performance, and attitude to learning. For consideration of issues: How can you raise a happy child?, who is an effective parent? Group work was carried out with the parents, they performed the tasks of the "Association" exercise: "Happy child" (group 1), "Effective parent" (group 2), "Qualities of modern youth" (group 3), "Education of moral qualities in children" (group 4). The curator summed up the results of academic performance, provided information about the educational process, and answered questions from parents. The meeting ended with reflection exercises: "I am a good parent because..." (passing the heart to each other, they completed the sentence), "The soul of the child" (parents wrote down the qualities on the hearts that they want to develop and endow their child).